Mission: We walk alongside those parenting children with developmental disabilities and/or special health care needs, connecting them with peer support and information so they can take the next step.
Vision: All families of children with developmental disabilities and/or special health care needs deserve encouragement, inclusion and meaningful connections that support family well-being.
We believe parents and caregivers want the best for their families and have the creativity and capacity to overcome challenges and celebrate successes.
We commit to creating safe spaces for reflection, vulnerability, questioning and ongoing learning for parents and caregivers.
We practice inclusion and respect for all with a commitment to listen fully and learn from the diverse viewpoints of the families we serve.
We honor the rewarding and challenging work of parents, caregivers and community partners.
We engage community partnerships through outreach, listening and education to encourage inclusive communities where families can thrive.
We promote building communities that are equitable, non-biased and socially healthy where all families and children can live inclusive, safe and fulfilling lives.