CHILDREN FAMILY SERVICES » Family Support & Connections

It can be challenging when your child is struggling; you are not alone! When a parent learns their child has developmental delays or receives a diagnosis that can result in delays they may experience a wide range of feelings and emotions.  They may feel scared, sad, frustrated or angry. Parents can also experience feelings of helplessness and denial that their child has a delay.  These feelings are normal and we are here to help with resources!

Parents are not alone! There are groups and programs that can help families connect to other parents who have experienced such feelings and concerns. Below are links to some groups and programs that parents might find helpful. Please ask your Family Resources Coordinator at Boost Collaborative for more ideas or details.  They can help families make connections with local, regional, and national resources that best suit each family’s situation.

Washington State Fathers Network (WSFN) is one of the only regional programs in all of the U.S. and Canada that provides support and education specifically for fathers of children with disabilities and delays. They recognize the importance of a father’s role in a child’s life and encourage fathers in that role. 

Quad Cities Down Syndrome Connections provides resources and supports to local families with children who have a Down syndrome diagnosis. This includes fostering connections between families, sponsoring events, and connecting families with resources that can improve the quality of life of people with Down syndrome. 

Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment (PAVE) is a non-profit organization that exists to share information and resources with people whose lives are linked to children and adults with disabilities. 

ARC Washington The Arc’s mission is to advocate for the rights and full participation of all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Along with our network of members and chapters, we support and empower individuals and families; connect and inform individuals and families; improve support and service systems; influence public policy; increase public awareness; and inspire inclusive communities.

You can also visit our Facebook page for local new and upcoming events.