EMPLOYMENT SERVICES » Employment Services Offered

Boost Collaborative helps working age adults with disabilities prepare for, find and maintain employment in area communities around the Palouse.  Service options include:  Employment Planning Services, Job Development, Job Placement and training and follow-up supports.

Employment planning services are activities designed to assist individuals and the participant's referring counselors to gain insight into strengths, weaknesses, skills, preferences and their readiness for competitive employment.  Boost Collaborative’s job development staff help the participant choose realistic employment outcomes and career development options that are based on these insights and community employment resources.

Job Development and Placement services from Boost Collaborative help working age adults with disabilities identify job opportunities in the community and support the individual in their efforts to make application, interview, and help secure a job in the local employment market that are of interest to them.  Boost Collaborative staff maintain relationships with area employers who look to Boost Collaborative as a resource for motivated workers.

Employment training and follow-along support services are provided by Boost Collaborative after employment is obtained by a participant.  In collaboration with the employer, Training Specialists (commonly referred to as Job Coaches) accompany the new employee on the job during their initial learning or training period.  Training is customized according to the support needs of the participant and the natural supports available in the workplace.

Follow-up or ongoing support is provided to the new employee from the day the employee and employer agree that the Training Specialist should fade-out and begin follow-up. Contact can vary from daily to bi-weekly contact from the Training Specialist.  If long-term supports are funded, on-going follow-up will continue to help ensure success on the job.