Employment planning services are services designed to assist participants in creating career development goals with realistic employment outcomes that are based on one's preferences, strengths, abilities and needs.  

Using a person-centered approach, staff at Boost Collaborative meet with the participant and their Parent or Guardian or an Advocate that can help identify such important information as the participant’s learning style, personal strengths, weaknesses, skills, including transferrable work skills and work interests.                                             

Employment Planning services offer a variety of work related activities including job tours, job tryouts, job shadowing, community-based job assessments, and identifying options for volunteering in the community.

With these interviews and professional assessments the participant’s professional strengths and support needs are identified; including revealing any personal barriers to the achievement and retention of employment. Early knowledge of anticipated accommodations can also be identified during this period.

Employment Planning also includes labor market analysis, which includes researching appropriate jobs available in the local community and determining education and training needs.  Participants are then able to make informed choices about their employment future. 

Employment planning services can range from 90 to 120 days in length and are a part of the overall employment services that are included with activities authorized by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Employment planning for transition students is completed over a longer period of time that could serve as the student's education during their final year(s) in high school.

Benefits to the customer:

The intended outcome of participation in Boost Collaborative’s Employment Planning Services is to provide the participant with valuable information that can be used in one's pursuit of satisfactory employment. Examples of some specific outcomes include:

  • Knowledge of local labor market
  • Knowledge of personal strengths & weaknesses and professional skills to offer employers
  • Attainable job goals are established
  • Knowledge of community resources for assistance in reducing employment barriers
  • Knowledge, if any, of the impact employment may have on one's Social Security benefits.

How to enroll:

Below are various agencies that can refer to and sponsor Boost Collaborative’s Employment Planning Services. If you are interested in receiving these services please follow the links below or call Boost Collaborative for contact #s:

Note: To make applying for services easier please have a valid, state issued picture ID, social security card or acceptable federal I.D. alternative.