ABOUT US » Privacy Policy - HIPAA Compliance

Boost Collaborative and its Business Associates are bound to the protection of privacy of its program participants in accordance with Federal Law, "HIPAA Regulations" (45 C.F.R. 164.502) and Washington State Law (RCW # 70.02).  

Staff and contractors respect the right to privacy and commit to the protection of information that will identify enrolled participants (past and present) by safeguarding information both in hard copy and digitally.  Identifying information is any information that is unique to the individual; such as name, address, phone number(s), physical characteristics, date of birth, identifying numbers (such as social security) or photos. 

Boost Collaborative, in the normal course of doing business, must release information to governing entities, accreditation agencies and third party payers, such as to insurance companies, who have the authority to receive information of participants that qualify and enroll in contracted services supported by the state or federal funding or third party payer.  Written approval for the release of information must be granted by the individual or his/her legal guardian when Boost Collaborative wishes to share information to other outside entities or use information or photos for media purposes.  

The following are a few common ways we may use or disclose your personal/health information:

  • Communication to You (the Participant or Family)
  • During treatment (Communication by and between direct service staff)
  • Program Operations:  We may use your personal/health information to evaluate the quality of our services.  For example, internal and external evaluators will review the thoroughness of patient files to ensure compliance to state and federal compliance audits, including to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Individuals Involved in Your Care or Payment for Your Care:  We may disclose personal/health information about you to an immediate family member, or other individual(s) who are directly involved in your care, if you are unable to make health care or payment decisions.
  • Abuse or Neglect:  We may disclose your personal/health information to local or state agencies that are authorized by law to receive reports of child (or protected adult) abuse or neglect.
  • As Required by Law:  We will disclose personal/health information about you when required to do so by federal, state, or local law; including disclosing information for workers' compensation claims.

For full details of how Boost Collaborative may use and release personal identifying information of its participants please see our current Notice of Privacy Practices, through download of the .pdf below:

Boost Collaborative Privacy Notice