ABOUT US » Code of Ethics

Boost Collaborate upholds and promotes to its employees the highest standards of professional conduct.  Each employee is trained upon hire and reconfirms their commitment annually to uphold the following Code of Ethics during service:

  1. Employees will not discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of disability, race, national origin, religion, creed, gender, age, veteran status, marital status, or sexual orientation.
  1. Employees will treat the participant with respect and they will relate to each person served as a unique individual.
  1. Employees will not retaliate against a participant and/or guardian or coworker if a complaint or grievance is filed in good faith against them.
  1. Employees will uphold the participant’s well-being as paramount and consider their individuality in program service goals and outcomes.
  1. Employees will only recommend, support, or implement services that will not expose the participant to unreasonable risk, exploitation, and/or personal injury.  If risks are apparent, she/he will be fully informed of such risks.
  1. When recommending services, employees will fully involve the participant, and/or their advocate, and inform them of all reasonable options available, including costs.
  1. Employees will issue only objective and truthful statements regarding services; and they will seek only deserved, honest and reasonable monetary reimbursement for agency services.
  1. Employees will fully and accurately disclose to the participant and/or their representative(s), when asked, their qualifications to serve them directly.
  1. Employees will provide services only within the scope of their competency, taking into account their education, experience, and training and recognize the limits of their skills and knowledge in their profession.
  1. Employees will collaborate or "team up" with other providers from other professional disciplines to assist in the delivery of services to meet the participant’s needs.
  1. Employees will make only those professional commitments and agreements that the agency can fulfill, and carry out those obligations in a timely way.
  1. Employees will respect the participant’s right to privacy and they will not release information about them without their expressed, written permission.  They will preserve the confidentiality of the participants personal records, unless disclosure is required by law, or for their protection or the protection of the public.
  1. Employees will assist participants in safeguarding their personal property, when necessary, and employees will avoid use of participant’s personal property for business or personal convenience.
  1. Employees will not serve, in lieu of legal counsel or advocate, the role as a witness during signing of legal documents such as, powers of attorney, guardianships, or advance directives.
  1. Employees will not engage in conduct that reflects adversely on their profession or call into question their fitness to serve the participant.
  1. Employees will avoid any action, intentional or accidental, professional or personal, that would exploit the reliance and trust of the participant in agency services.
  1. Employees will make every effort to avoid personal relationships with the people they serve that could influence or compromise their professional judgment, or create a real or perceived conflict of interest.  They will excuse themselves from service to a client when the staff person is a decision maker for the same client of the agency..
  1. Employees will comply with the laws and policies that guide professional practice.