1. The Boost Collaborative office staff is friendly.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
2. The Boost Collaborative office staff is easy to talk with.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
3. I am satisfied with my current work placement or job search.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
75% 16% 9%
4. Boost Collaborative staff encouraged me to actively participate in my job search.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
83% 17%
5. I enjoy my work placement.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
66% 25% 9%
6. I take pleasure in completing my responsibilities at work.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
66% 25% 9%
7. I am happy with the location of my job.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
75% 9% 8% 8%
8. I feel included in my employer’s activities at work.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
75% 25%
9. Boost Collaborative staff assisted me to develop professional relationships within my work environment.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
75% 20% 5%
10. I am learning to advocate for myself.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
58% 20% 2% 20%
11. I am learning to make my own decisions.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
66% 15% 4% 15%
12. As a participant of Boost Collaborative, the staff has thoroughly explained both my rights and code of conduct.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
83% 17%
13. As a participant of Boost Collaborative, I understand my rights and the code of conduct.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
83% 9% 8%
14. Boost Collaborative upholds and honors my rights as a participant of the organization.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
83% 17%
15. My job coach is courteous and respectful to me.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
16. My job coach is knowledgeable.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
83% 10% 7%
17. Overall, Boost Collaborative staff does a good job of providing support.
Always Usually Undecided Rarely Never
83% 10% 7%
18. What do you like most about your services from Boost Collaborative?
19. Is there anything you would like to change about your services from Boost Collaborative?
20. Are there other services you would like Boost Collaborative to provide?
21. In your opinion, how can Boost Collaborative better help you with your job or job search?
22. Overall, how would you rate the services from Boost Collaborative?
Excellent Good Fair Disappointed Poor
83% 9% 8% __________________________________________________________
Types of Disabilities |
Autism 16% |
Cerebral Palsy 4% |
Down Syndrome 5% |
Dual Diagnosis 5% |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 9% |
Intellectual Disability 39% |
Mental Health Disorder 16% |
Physical Disability 1% |
Traumatic Brain Injury 5% |